New COVID-19 Safety Market Guidelines
Welcome Back Vendors!
For Both Your Safety and that of our guests we have updated our guidelines to be able to open the Market back safely.
**Please Note that all Vendors Participating in 915 Pop Up Market must adhere to these requirements and if not may be asked to leave and prohibited from participating in future Markets.**
1- If you are Displaying symptoms or have been exposed to someone that has or may have Covid-19 DO NOT Come to the Market. (Symptoms May include: Fever 100.04, Chills, headache, nausea, difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, body aches, etc.) Make arrangements with the Coordinator to transfer your credit to a future Market, The Safety and Responsibility’s fall under each vendor to keep the spread of the virus.
2- White Canopy and Floor length black tablecloth is required for our markets, however we are recommending either a PEVA or Plastic covering ON TOP of the tablecloth to help with continuous cleaning and sanitizing of your booth.
3- Pre-packaged items are a must, jewelry, bows and items that can should be pre-packed to stand continuous sanitizing. Samples may also come Pre-packaged and Food Handlers must wear gloves while distributing any food.
4- Our Market is Practicing Social Distancing and we must encourage that our vendors do as such, please keep a distance of at least 6ft between you and guests as well as other booth and vendors to avoid spreading the virus.
5- All vendors must have either a Plexiglas or a Spit guard to help further distance the vendor from the guest. In Rare cases where it is not possible to have either, vendors may have a Face Shield in addition to their Mask.
6- VENDORS MUST WEAR A FACE MASK AT ALL TIMES DURING THE MARKET AND WHEN IN COMPANY OF OTHER VENDORS OR GUESTS. No Exceptions. If you have a medical condition that discourages you from wearing a mask, We ask that you do Not participate in the Market for the time being.
7- All Vendors are required to have a Hand Sanitizing Station in their Booth at all times, and are also required to constantly clean, sanitize and wipe down surface areas that are constantly being touched or exposed to Shoppers.
The Safety of our Market falls in Each of our hands, We ask that we take as many precautions as possible, are responsible about our small businesses and encourage others to do the same, this way we will make our way back to better.
If you have questions or concerns regarding these guidelines we ask that you reach out to your Market Coordinator via phone, txt or email to get answers.