Market Guidelines
Hi, Here you will find Vendor Requirements and guidelines that must be followed in order to participate in OUR Markets, I say this because we are a part of a community. We are also growing this community together and the standards that we create will pave the way and the experience for both future vendors and clients alike.
The idea of this Market is that we maintain the integrity by providing great product, value and a boutique like quality in service as our markets are small.
I ask that you participate as much as you can in the marketing campaign for our Market page. This in turn will benefit not just individualized company growth, but also exposes other brands, so whether it is by adding pictures or sharing the page, please help us build the Market of our Dreams.
We are a rolling Market; this means that we won’t be tied down to a specific location, we go where the people are.
Please know also that these guidelines may change according to venue at any time.
Thank you for participating!!
Vendor Requirements:
The booth must have someone at least 18yrs old present at all times. The person creating, producing or selling must comply with this standard.
Booth and vendor fees:
- Vendor fees are due by the Thursday before any market, and must be paid in full or the booth is forfeited to other vendors.
- New vendors can be accepted until the Friday before the market setup. As long as there is Available space allowing.
- Vendor fees may vary according to location, and venue requirements (note: additional guidelines may be added per location or venue standards).
- Fees are only refundable in the event of an emergency, in the event of bad weather if market is postponed, fees may roll over to next venue as long as market price is the same, if not then a credit will be due to vendor or vice versa.
Notice, failure to uphold these guidelines may result in vendor not invited to additional markets.
Booth Space:
Vendor booth is 10x10 standard size for canopy space; food trucks have different space size per their truck dimensions.
Vendors are allowed to purchase more than one space if necessary.
All vendors are required to bring their own tents, tables and linen or tablecloths.
All tables must have a tablecloth.
All vendors must also bring their own weights to secure their canopy. We are all required to adhere to safety measures, and tents are dangerous in the wind. Failure to provide weights of at least 50lbs may result in you being asked to leave without a refund. (No Stakes or drilling allowed.)
- Electricity ranges by venue, if booth has electricity, vendors are required to comply with safety guidelines and tape down all wiring and extension cords where they are not a tripping hazard.
- Signage is allowed in and in front of booth, may not be placed in the way of traffic.
- Food trucks and cottage food vendors must place, tables and chairs directly in front of their space only.
- Booth space will be given as a first come, first serve basis, you may be asked to move to another space only if the market organizer sees that the goods are being repeated to close to each other. It will be up to the organizers discretion to do this.
- All vendors are responsible of disposing of their own trash, and must do so in the designated areas allowed in the venue; please do not use the traffic or public designated trash cans.
Artisanal Vendors
Any local, handmade, home-crafted, or home-assembled arts and crafts, which have been made by the seller or members of the seller’s household, may be sold at the market.
Handmade or Hand Assembled means an item that has two or more distinctive parts combined and permanently attached by intent, labor, creativity and skill to create a product made by vendor are eligible.
Artisanal items may include leather goods; drawings, paintings and prints; photographs; woodwork; metal craft; ceramics and pottery; weaving and yarn work; macramé́; needlework; beadwork; sculpture; jewelry; stitchery and sewing; clothing and accessories; glasswork; natural fiber crafts and basketry.
Per Federal copyright infringement law, goods such as fabric, charms, or prefabricated items with copyrighted images such as but not limited to, Sport logos, Comic Logos, Cartoons, any branded items etc. are prohibited.
Agriculture and Produce Vendors
Food producers must have temporary Food Establishment Permit and must meet following requirements:
- Own the rights to their product.
- They must have all required licensing and permits for their business operation.
- Organic Produce must be labeled as such and must have documentation from the State of Texas or New Mexico, indicating that they are a certified organic farmer.
- All produce must comply with all federal, state, and local health requirements.
- All vendors are responsible for appropriately packaging their products and protecting them from the elements.
- Potentially Hazardous Food items (PHFs): Any item that requires time and temperature control for safety and pathogen control such as refrigeration. This includes Poultry, Dairy, Meat, Fish, Shellfish, and Raw Seed Sprouts. Such items are permitted in the Farmer’s Market as long as they comply with the following:
- Pre-packaged items please have the following on the label:
- Ingredients used, weight, measure or numerical count such as lbs., or oz.
- Name, phone and place of business if available.
- Packaged meats must be frozen and remain that way during the Market.
- Eggs being sold in the Farmer’s market directly from the vendor to customer require additional EPDPH permitting and must be clearly labeled with the following; producer’s name, address, and phone or email. Egg cartons must have “Ungraded” clearly written per regulations and health standards, as well as they must be stored at a temperature of 45* F or lower if possible.
- The sale of Honey or Honeycomb is permitted as established by SB 1766 as long as the honey is produced from a hive in state, owned and managed by the beekeeper. It is pure honey that is raw and not blended with any other product. May NOT be resold, and contains a label that includes:
- Weight in avoirdupois and metric systems, the beekeeper’s name, address, and phone number as well as the statement, “Bottled or Packaged in a facility not inspected by the Texas department of State Health Services.”
Mobile Food Vendors
Food trucks must have a current Mobile Food Permit and a Food Handlers Certificate available for inspection upon request of either the market organizers or The Health Department city appointed inspector.
They must also comply with food handling guidelines below.
- Food Cottage Vendors
Per the Texas Bakers Bill HB 970:
Food vendors distributing food product samples at the Market must have all necessary food handlers’ permits and follow all food safety rules and regulations for the preparation of any product.
Food vendors must have a Food Handler’s card or certificate to sell at the Market, and cottage vendors can bring the following items to the Market:
- Pre-Packaged Baked goods such as cakes, cookies, bread loaves etc. Items that do not require refrigeration are encouraged.
- Candied roasted or unroasted nuts, nut butters such as almond, peanut etc.
Jarred jams and jellies, Popcorn, Dehydrated fruits and vegetables, cereals like granolas, vinegar, oils, jarred cucumber pickles, jarred Mustard, Roasted coffee or dry tea, Dried herbs or herb mixes and Jarred Salsas.
All food cottage goods must be properly labeled with the following items:
The name of the product, producer or company complete with contact info; Homemade items must contain the following statement: “This food is made in a home kitchen that is not inspected by the department of State Health Services or local health department.”
Canned or acidified products (including salsas, pickled veggies, etc.) sales must be assembled within a licensed commercial kitchen and accompanied by additional state manufacturing licenses. Sales of such items are prohibited without proper documentation and labeling.
Please DiscloseANYallergens used in product as well as have an ingredient list.
Pet foodto be sold at the market must follow the rules set forth on Chapter 63 “Pet Food Rules” of Title 4 from the Texas administrative code and must be clearly labeled with the following:
A quantity statement on the principal label panel, Label should specify name and address of the vendor. Should not have any misleading information or not contain word “proven” unless scientific evidence warranting claim is available.
Should clearly indicate what use the food is meant for from the selection below:
- Intended for specific stage of animal development.
- Intended to satisfy a limited nutrient requirement. Intended for supplemental diet only.
- Intended as a complete food and satisfies all nutritional requirement.
Food Samples
ANY Vendors distributing food product samples at the Market must follow the Farmers Market Bill HB 1382:
- Samples must be distributed in a sanitary manner, toothpicks or individual servers.
- Have potable water available to wash hands, wash any produce intended for sampling with water to remove dirt before sampling.
- When preparing the samples, wear clean, disposable gloves. Glove change is required when handling money.
Market Operations
- Vendors MUST arrive prepared, early and ready for operation at the start of the Market.
- Booths must be staffed during Market hours. Please don’t leave booth unattended. (watch for shoplifters)
- Vendors are liable for their change box.
- Vendors must have set up completed by kickoff of the market event, and may start taking down 30 min before closing if traffic permits it.
- Please practice safe driving in venue.
- Vendors with disabilities requiring assistance may be granted special access to venue or additional accommodations can be made to the person’s needs, please notify market organizers.
- Vendors are responsible for keeping their space attractive and tidy during Market hours.
- Vendors are responsible for cleaning their space when the Market closes.
- Vendors should conduct themselves professional and courteous to venue staff, market shoppers and other vendors, disrespecting another person will be in direct violation of market standards and may result in revoking of merchant privileges.
Failure to comply of Market Vendor Guidelines may result in suspension or revocation of corresponding merchant privileges.
We hope that these guidelines help our vendors achieve the level of success that we know we all work hard for.
Please know that additional guidelines might be added as we grow and that every market we hold is expected to uphold these values.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.